Friday, January 24, 2020

Indigenous Irrigation Knowledge and Sustainable Development in Asia :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers

Indigenous Irrigation Knowledge and Sustainable Development in Asia David Groenfeldt suggests that village communities need to organize and stabilize their own resources, initially, which will strengthen the development capacity of the village and help to establish an independent institution. Groenfeldt argues that the classic development solution of bringing in and applying new ideas is less efficient in the long run because local indigenous ways are already established and being practiced. The one major point that Groenfeldt makes in his argument for sustainable development is the idea that community involvement from day one needs to be present before the project even has a chance at succeeding. The author writes in order to relay the message that success starts from the bottom up and that developers need to include the communities in the development and design stages of a project so that when the developer leaves the project will sustain itself. In beginning, one needs to know some basic information on the knowledge presented in the article. In particular, Groenfeldt talks about a charitable organization referred to as AKRSP (Aga Khan Rural Support Programme). This organizations purpose is to raise the spirits of communities through productive development. One example of this organization's work, dealt with a community that was struggling with its irrigation canals. This organizations primary concern is not developing a successful irrigation system, but it is to expand and build up the knowledge of the community. If the community knows more about the "nuts and bolts" of the situation than the community can develop plans to improve their irrigation system. These plans will be overseen by a trained government or Non-Governmental Official, but the framework and the structure of the system will be developed in such a way that the people will be efficiently running the program on their own. In addition, these projects will be chosen from the community’s top priorities instead of from the priorities of outside officials. This system will again aid in sustainability because the people will be excited and encouraged from the beginning. Groenfeldt develops a three-step plan of the AKRSP approach. The first point that he makes about the AKRSP approach is the idea that the villagers in this community need to come to a collective understanding about what the project will be and how the goal of the project will be accomplished.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Building Teams and Work Groups

Man is a social being, from the individual level, he transcends to the next level-the group level followed by the organizational level, then by the institutional level and lastly he is integrated in the society. Therefore, to work with others in different field is inevitable. Man needs others to survive, to feed him biologically, emotionally and physically. All of this integration of man with others started from the time that he is born. First, he became dependent to his mother as he feeds from her, second other members of the family pays close supervision of him and next he is incorporated with the rest of the family members.From the family level, as he grows up he will meet new faces, neighbors perhaps that he may associate as friends. As he goes to school, he will be acquainted with a larger peer groups. From then on as he became socialized, his social networks will also widen. As mentioned in Module 7, assuming membership in a group requires a role and responsibility. An effectiv e team must be able to come up with clear and right decisions. This can be done through constant meetings and consultations. Traditionally, it is conducted in a meeting place or a functional hall wherein you personally meet with the members of the group.Since ancient time, there had been meditated ways of sending message and communication, likewise, the use of birds as messengers. Soon it was changed with letter writing and sending mails. Amidst the modernity of the society, people discovered new ways of communicating without the hassle of being present in every meetings and group work all the time. Through the use of telephones, people learned communicating the easy way and made much more easy as it became cordless and compact- the mobile phones. In the early 90’s computers were in the boom.Name it, any transactions was made easier through e-mails, web-based environments etc. Schools and Universities also developed their own website for easy access and inquiries. Even the fa culties required their students to provide their e-mail addresses so that he/she will be able to send academic related information through internets and they can also be able to conduct seminars and conferences on line. Evaluation of Peer Participation on the Research paper: Describing the Effective Characteristics of Mediated Communication Group Member Rating Contribution/sMember1 9 Has made various internet researches, checked on the journals and books on the library. Actively participated the conceptualization and consolidated with the group. Consensus we the group members, we designated tasks needed to comply with the assignment to each member of the group. We also decided to come up with a peer evaluation paper wherein each group will determine the contributions and cooperativeness of each member through his/her rating with regards to the other group members. In a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, we came up with this summary of peer participation.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

At the Ceremony of Twelve - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 593 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Giver Essay Did you like this example? Jonas is an eleven-year-old that lives in a world without feelings, color, and choice. Citizens can also apply for spouses and children. When their children are grown, family units dissolve and adults live together with Childless Adults until they are too old to function in the society. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "At the Ceremony of Twelve" essay for you Create order Then they spend their last years being cared for in the House of the Old until they are finally released from the society. Jonas lives with his father, mother, and seven-year-old sister. Jonas will soon graduate from being an Eleven Soon he will be given his official assignment when he goes to the Ceremony of Twelve. Jonas is different from many people in the community. He has pale eyes, while most people have dark eyes, and he has a unique ability to see beyond. Jonas is the only person in his community who is able to see color. At the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas is given the greatly honored assignment of Receiver of Memory. The Receiver is the keeper of the communityrs collective memory. When the community got rid of color, feeling, and choice, it abandoned the memories of color, emotion, and pain. These memories go to the receiver so the community can avoid making the mistakes of the past. Jonas receives these memories of the past from the current receiver, a wise old man who tells Jonas to call him the Giver. As Jonas receives the memories from the Giver, he realizes how bland and empty his life in the community is. Jonasrs father, a Nurturer of Children, brings home a newborn that isnt growing as fast as he should and isnt sleeping soundly. Jonas helps his family with the newchild, Gabriel, by giving him soothing memories to help him sleep. When Jonas finds out that Gabriel is in danger of being released, the Giver reveals to him that release means death. Jonasrs anger inspires the Giver to help Jonas create a plan to change the community forever. The Giver tells Jonas about his daughter, the designated receiver before Jonas, and how she asked to be released after the memories had been too much sadness for her. When she died, all the memories she had were released into the community. The Giver and Jonas plan for Jonas to escape the community and to enter Elsewhere. Once he has done that, his larger supply of memories will go into the community and the Giver will help the community to come to terms with the new feelings and thoughts, changing the society forever. However, Jonas is forced to leave earlier than planned when his father tells him that Gabriel will be released the next day. Desperate to save Gabriel, Jonas steals his fatherrs bicycle and a supply of food and sets off for Elsewhere. Gradually, he enters a landscape full of color, animals, and changing weather, but also hunger, danger, and exhaustion. Avoiding search planes, Jonas and Gabriel travel for a long time until heavy snow makes bike travel impossible. Half-frozen, but comforting Gabriel with memories of sunshine and friendship, Jonas mounts a high hill. Eventually, Jonas has traveled far enough where he has his very own memory. After a sled ride, Jonas hears people singing and thinks there are people waiting for him and Gabriel. Front Flap: Jonas is an 11 year old boy that lives in a community without color, feelings, and pain. However, Jonas isnt like the rest of the people in his community because he has the ability to see color and have feelings. Throughout the story, Jonas is a hardworking and determined character.